The prompt for this calendar was to create four calendar pages and incorporate four different text treatments. After sketching some run of the mill ideas, I found that I was stuck. I knew I wanted to make something that was more than just pretty and functional. I wanted to create something that had meaning and would help people. Thus, the Awareness Calender set was born.
The first step was to select which causes I wanted to highlight in the calendar. I decided on four that are very important to me: eating disorder awareness, sexual assault awareness, mental disorder awareness, and breast cancer awareness. Something I always keep in mind when designing is ways I could carry out the print production in unconventional ways. For this project, I knew I wanted to screen print my final design so I kept that in mind while designing my digital files.
The result were four brightly colored calendar pages with imagery that highlighted each cause.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
February is Eating Disorder Awareness Month.
Moving forward, my goal is to finish all 12 months of the calendar. For each month, I would screen print that single page and sell them individually. All proceeds for those calendar pages sold would go towards whatever cause that month is highlighting.